On 5th January 2018, at 8:45pm, acting upon information received, police visited a hotel in Belize City, where upon arrival they met a 16 year old male minor in the company of Roy CRAIG, 76 year old Belizean Taxi Driver of a Belize City address. The minor reported to police that, at about 7:00pm, he was walking home when he was about to pass CRAIG who was standing beside a car. But CRAIG held him by his shirt collar and asked him if he wanted to go to a Hotel and pulled him towards the front passenger side seat of the said car. They both got in the car and CRAIG stopped at an ATM. They also made an additional stop at a restaurant where CRAIG purchased some beers and thereafter, drove to the hotel where he paid for a room. They then both went to the assigned room where CRAIG drank some beers and offered some to the minor and later attempted to perform an unnatural act with the minor, but at that time police knocked at the door. On the 6th of January 2018, Roy CRAIG was arrested and charged for the crime of Sexual Assault.
Robert ZELAYA, 76 year old Belizean Businessman and Owner of Mahogany Heights Supermarket in Mahogany Heights Village, reported that at about 12:00pm, on the 7th of January 2018, he was inside the supermarket with his wife when two male persons entered the establishment armed with firearms and proceeded to robbed him of (1) .38 revolver, $1,800.00 in cash, (3) Samsung cell phones, (1) gold necklace with medal, (1) gold chain with skull medal and (2) bottles of Appleton whiskey. In the process, both Mr. and Mrs. ZELAYA were physically assaulted. Police are investigating.
About 6:50pm, on the 7th of January 2018, Police responded to a report of a Road Traffic Accident between miles 10 and 11 on the Stann Creek Valley Road where upon arrival, officers observed the motionless body of Andres Phillip DIEGO Sr., 52 year old Belizean Laborer of Pomona Village, lying face down in the middle of the road. A red and grey bicycle was seen on the right hand side of the road; not far from DIEGO, and a silver four door Honda Civic car parked at a distance away. Initial investigations revealed that at 6:30pm, Jerry O’Hara DAVID, 26 year old Belizean Coast Guard and Resident of Rivas Estate, Dangriga Town, was driving the Honda Civic car from the direction of Dangriga towards Belize City when a vehicle, coming in the opposite direction, impaired his vision causing him to hit DIEGO who was riding a bicycle. DIEGO was transported to the Southern Regional Hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival. DAVID was issued with an NIP. Police Investigation continues.