Location of Police Stations Countrywide

The link below provides a user-friendly navigation Location Map which displays the contact numbers, police booths, precincts, stations, sub-stations, and officers commanding the Police Stations Countrywide in Belize.


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Welcome to the Belize Police Department Website

We trust that you will be a frequent visitor to this site as we seek to update you on the work of the Belize Police Department, provide you with current information and statistics and open yet another avenue of communication to you in our continuing quest to bridge the gap between the police and the community.

The launch of this site also signifies our understanding of the importance of technological advances in today’s society and particularly in the work of the police. The Internet opens new avenues and provides easy access to a world of information which two decades ago was largely unknown and virtually unchartered. Of course the use of this technology is not limited to law enforcement alone but also open doors to the criminal element who continuously find new ways to exploit and infringe on law abiding citizens; which makes it even more imperative that we keep abreast with the growing cyber-world.

Let me also take this opportunity to encourage you to become involved in the fight against crime by becoming a part of our community policing initiatives or by starting one of your own and demonstrating that you share in the belief that it takes an entire community to stop crime.

Chester Williams
Commissioner Of Police

Join Us On Facebook

Here you can get immediate information about our activities!

Click here to check out our Public Relations facebook page!

Cyber Security Awareness

·       Increase your knowledge on how to stay safe on the Internet!

·       Be VIGILANT of fraudulent practices.

·       Be CAREFUL of how you provide information of the internet.

Click to watch some informational videos!

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Jasmine Alert

The JASMINE Alert™ Program is a voluntary partnership between law-enforcement agencies, broadcasters, transportation agencies, and the wireless industry; to activate an urgent bulletin in the most serious child-abduction/kidnapping cases.

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Missing Persons

The Belize Police Department needs your assistance in finding missing persons. Your assistance is greatly appreciated and is strictly confidential.

Maybe you saw them

Wanted Persons

Assist the police department by aiding in the captivity of wanted persons. Any information provided to the Belize Police Department is greatly appreciated and is of utmost confidentiality.

Please help us

IWF Belize Reporting Portal

Belize have joined the Internet Watch Foundation's (IWF) global reporting portals network, by adopting a technical reporting solution for online child sexual abuse imagery. You can report any suspected illegal content anonymously to one of the world's leading hotlines, the IWF. The portal links are available in English and Spanish translations.


The following documents are available for you to download. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view these documents...
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Crime Stoppers

Crime Stoppers is a program coordinated by the Rotary Clubs of Belize. It is a community-based servicel...

911 FAQ

Do I have to give my name when I call 911? What should I do if I see a crime occurring? When should I call 911? ...
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